Friday, January 15, 2010

Adult Twister - Sex Games Series

by Shelly Lomax
My version of Twister is a “get to know ya” game through and through. The aim for players is to maintain their balance (and composure) as they arrange themselves into a quagmire of suggestive poses.

Number of Players
You can take part with as little as two people, but one mat will fit as many as four. When you play at maximum capacity, it does make for a tight squeeze, but this isn’t a bad thing when you experiment with our adult edition. By adding additional mats, you can accommodate multitudes of Twister players...

What You’ll Need
You’ll require quantities of one or more of the original game of Twister. Ask your guests if they own one before you buy extras. If you’re prepared to try Pink Twister, you will also need supplies to modify the spinner board: scissors, pink paper and tape.

Ideal Participants
The most entertaining candidates for twister are those who are playful and physically fit. Oh yeah, they should have a really open mind and be comfortable with nudity (their own and others’). Players must be prepared to contort themselves into provocative positions while being up close and personal with other players.

How to Play
Twister is played on a big plastic mat that’s covered with rows of different colored dots. The mat serves as a game board and peoples’ bodies are the game pieces. Someone spins the Twister spinner and calls out one color and one of four body parts: left hand, right hand, left foot, right foot. Participants must then place their hand or foot onto the corresponding colored dot. Remember, no two people can share the same dot. Just like in the original game, participants are eliminated when they fall, or touch their knee or elbow to the mat. Here are a few adult variations of Twister:

Based on the same premise as {Strip Poker}, players remove an article of clothing each time they accidentally contact the mat. This is a great way to break the ice and lead up to what’s next on the list...

As the name clearly implies, nudity is the essence of this adult adaptation of Twister. Not only do players get an eyeful, they get to rub against one another and squeeze themselves into some outrageous poses; it begins to look a lot like they’re practicing what’s in our Sex Positions Guide. Because participants’ genitals will be intimately displayed, advise guests ahead of time so they can groom appropriately. Are you ready to try something even more arousing? Read on...

Create your own version of a Spinner Board by integrating the color pink into the wheel. This will represent players touching each others’ “pink”, also known as their genitals. You can stick with hands or feet, since it’s already built into the spinner board, but some participants may be averse to being touched by people’s feet; feel free to modify body parts. If your players are very receptive to this version of Twister, use oral commands (instead of body parts) when you land on “pink”, such as: suck, lick, flick and so on.

Rotating Players
We have a final suggestion to keep your Twister party brimming with excitement. Instead of using multiple mats to contain a large number of players, you may want to use the “tag” method. Just like in tag team wrestling, players can, at any point, tag a spectator to take their place; they can do so simply by calling their name. This expands the length of play, so that people don’t get naked too fast. It also keeps onlookers engaged (as if they wouldn’t be already!)

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