Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spin the Bottle - Sex Games Series

by Shelly Lomax

The object of the game is simple: it’s to randomly kiss or make out with others playing the game. If you’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to smooch with someone in particular, here’s your chance.

Number of Players
The more players you can gather, the better; more people adds variety and heightens anticipation. If you don’t, it’ll quickly progress from a saucy adult party game to a small orgy.

What You’ll Need
You’ll need one bottle, preferably empty; otherwise, if your spin goes out of control, getting whacked with it will hurt.

Ideal Participants
Players should be open-minded and have fresh breath! It helps if they’re relatively similar in good looks and/or great at making out; keep this in mind when you formulate a guest list.

Couples must be willing to play without jealousy or insecurity; if either one of them feels uncomfortable about players kissing their other half, they need to remove themselves immediately.

How to Play
This is a party game based on the one many have played as kids. Everyone arranges themselves in a circle sitting on, or close, to the floor. Players take turns spinning the bottle; whoever it points closest to is the one they must kiss. SexInfo101’s adaptation has one optional rule; if you land on the same sex, you also have to kiss them!

You can play the game by going around the circle consecutively to let each person have a turn. Some of you may have also used a more arbitrary method of taking turns, where the person who the bottle lands on goes next.

Depending on how adventurous the group is, another option is to ‘up the ante’ every so many turns, so that (say) ‘a kiss’ then becomes ‘a kiss & a stroke’ of a particular body part, followed by ‘a kiss & fondle inside the clothing, followed by one removing another’s article of clothing … and so on. You are only limited by your imagination…

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