Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Five easy steps to first-time anal sex

Loads of people secretly want to try anal sex, but even in this 'modern' age where people are becoming more open to erotic experimentation, anal sex still carries a taboo.

Yes there is a health risk if you don't use protection and yes there is a pain issue if you don't prepare yourself properly for penetration, but by following the five easy steps below your first approach to anal sex can be one of the most fulfilling sexual experiences you've ever had. So here's how to do it...

Step 1

Get clean! It goes without saying that if you're sexually stimulating an area that's usually devoted to daily ablutions, you will need to ensure that your anus is squeaky clean. Have a relaxing bath before hand and thoroughly clean the area.

If you're conscious about your lover seeing your anus in full for the first time, why not gently shave or wax the skin between your butt cheeks to make sure they're porn-flick worthy? You'll be surprised how much more relaxed and confident this will make you.

Step 2

Use lube! Don't even think about attempting any form of anal activity without using some form of lubricant. There's a raft of great lubes available for you to buy, but until you're ready to start experimenting with different types (heated, cooling, etc) you should stick with a specially formulated anal lubricant.

Try Aquaglide's Anal Lubricant , Astroglide Anal Shooters Lubricant or Anal Ease Anal Desensitising Cream , each of which are compatible for use with condoms, which is essential for any kind of anal penetration.

Step 3

Start small! If this is your first time trying anal sex, it makes sense to start off by using your lover's fingers to familiarize your anus with the feeling of penetration. You lover should start off with the tip of one finger, then slowly and gently work their finger in until the knuckle is submerged.

You should continue to do this with up to three fingers, but only if you're still feeling comfortable and pleasured. Don't forget to use lube on each finger you insert.

Step 4

Take it slow! OK, so your lover has been penetrating you with his fingers and you're loving it. Now comes the penis bit: make sure your lover's penis is well lubed and protected with a condom. Next, lie either on your tummy with a cushion underneath your pelvic bone or lie on your side.

Take one of your hands and use your fingers to pull your butt cheeks gently apart. This will help guide your lover into your anus without too much 'prodding,' making it a lot easier for both of you. Your lover should begin by slowly and gently inserting the tip of his penis into your anus. Remember that this will feel marginally painful because it is your first time (just like with first-time penetrative sex), but it will get easier. However, if you're in a great deal of pain or feel uncomfortable then ask your lover to stop immediately.

Once your lover has inserted the tip of his penis, ask him to gently penetrate your anus further but at a gentle pace that you feel comfortable with. Continue like this until your lover's penis is fully submerged and until you both orgasm. Some people don't experience an orgasm when trying anal sex for the first time, but the more you and your lover try anal sex the better it will get.

Step 5

After each time you've finished having sex, make sure that you thoroughly clean your anus. If you're experiencing soreness after anal sex, soak in a gorgeous warm bath and wear breathable cotton panties to bed.

by Shelly Lomax

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