Saturday, December 12, 2009




The Orgasm is the ultimate, though not the only, goal of great sex. Here we look at the facts and myths about attaining that sometimes elusive 'O' and examine some tip and tricks for reaching that high spot more often than not.

We also take a look at some of the biology related to Orgasm, such as Kegel Exercises and Sperm production. For more information on these subjects go to my new website at http://www.sexinfo101/
and click on orgasms.

Female Ejaculation
An urban myth, or the prize of the lucky few? Here we examine the 'ifs', the 'hows' and the 'whys' of the ultimate in Wet Looks!

Female Orgasm
Not every female can reach orgasm, but many more could if they relaxed and took the time and effort to explore their body to see what works for them!

Kegel Exercises
Internal organ health for men & women ... the basics to maintain & protect those areas vital to sexual (& general) health & well-being.

Lasting Longer
Sometimes a 'quickie' is all that's wanted or needed. But if you desire an occasional marathon, but wonder how to make it last, here's how...

Male Ejaculation/Orgasm
Ever wondered about the mechanics of ejaculation? Are orgasm & ejaculation the same thing? What are 'wet dreams'? Find out here...

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